General Disclaimer: A3 Industries (“A3”) shall not be liable for personal injury from the use of its products, unless such injury was due to willful fault or willful negligence of A3. A3 assumes no responsibility for product malfunction, physical injury, property damage, civil liability or criminal culpability resulting in whole or in part from misuse, criminal use, or negligent, improper, or careless handling, unauthorized modifications, unauthorized installation or assembly, abuse, neglect, or any other influences beyond A3’s control. Under no circumstances shall A3 be held liable for incidental or consequential damages with respect to economic loss, injury or property damage resulting from the breach of any express or implied warranty; this limitation does not apply to states that prohibit the exclusion of consequential or incidental damages. A3 MAKES NO WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. ALL DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY SHALL STILL APPLY EVEN IF THE LIMITED REMEDY OF REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.
NFA Disclaimer: The National Firearms Act (“NFA”) governs firearms that fall under its purview, such as machineguns, suppressors, any other weapons, short barreled rifles, and short barreled shotguns. The A3 TRIAD is not designed, nor should it be used, as a short barreled rifle unless first registered on the NFRTR with the ATF NFA Division. The TRIAD is offered for sale as a firearm accessory in two different configurations, first, as a rifle accessory, and secondly, as a pistol accessory. The pistol configuration is specifically designed so that it cannot be fired from the shoulder. AT NO TIME SHOULD THE USER REDESIGN THE TRIAD TO BE FIRED FROM THE SHOULDER UNLESS COMPLIANT WITH THE NATIONAL FIREARMS ACT OF 1934. Simply put the A3 TRIAD is to be used as (1) a rifle accessory if bought and sold in the rifle configuration, (2) a pistol accessory if bought and sold in the pistol configuration, or (3) as a short barreled rifle accessory if first registered (with a firearm) on the NFRTR with the ATF NFA Division. ATF has not classified the A3 TRIAD (in any configuration) and could, at some future time, classify any of the TRIAD configurations such that it becomes governed or regulated by the NFA or other applicable federal law. Additionally, state or local laws may govern or regulate your possession and/or use of the A3 TRIAD. You are responsible for knowing your state and local laws and complying with them. Please be advised that you are responsible for the proper and legal use of the A3 TRIAD at all times.
Legal Advice Disclaimer: Nothing contained herein is to be construed as legal advice. Please be advised that you should consult with legal counsel before relying on any information contained herein.
WARNING: At all times the first concern of every firearm owner should be safety. Follow all instructions on the proper handling and safe use of this product, or any, firearm accessory.​ If you feel uncertain about any operational aspects of your A3 Tactical, Inc. product, please contact us BEFORE proceeding with its operation. If you are unfamiliar with the proper use of the product, you should seek formal training BEFORE using the product. A3 Tactical, Inc. strongly recommends a certified armorer install the A3 TRIAD CHASSIS.YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL OF THESE SAFETY RULES TO ENSURE THE SAFE USE OF YOUR A3 TRIAD. THE FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS IN THIS MANUAL,OR IF THIS PRODUCT IS CARELESSLY OR IMPROPERLY HANDLED, INJURY OR DEATH COULD RESULT TO YOU OR OTHERS AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY.